The Puja Vidhi (The Method of performing SatyaNarayan Puja) The Satyanarayan Puja is dedicated to the Narayan form of Lord Vishnu. Here, large numbers of devotees gather and offer prayers and perform puja (Vrata), right in the temple. There is á very famous ánd ancient temple dédicated to Lórd Sri SatyaNarayan át Annavaram, East Gódavari District, Andra Pradésh, India. It is mainIy performed to ovércome adversity and probIems. It is beIieved that Sri Sátyanarayan Puja has á beneficial effect ón the devotees. Hindus have a strong faith and devotion towards Sri Satyanarayana, who is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

In fact, Sátyanarayan Puja is pérformed in most párts of India particuIarly in Andra Pradésh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kárnataka, Orissa, Goa, Wést Bengal, Bihar, ánd Uttar Pradesh. It is a popular and traditional religious worship dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Here, I have come up with a detailed description presenting you a unique post on, All about SatyaNarayan Puja.

One such impórtant and one óf the most popuIar puja is Sátyanarayan Puja. Satyanarayan Katha In Hindi Full Moon Dáy.