Custom key settings conflict with global and graal-set key settings.There are two pretty obvious reasons why they are a bad way of handling it: Some servers have taken the inituative and added GUI interfaces for changing hotkeys, etc, which really annoys me.

Classic is not the only server who falls victim to this, as nearly every single server has chat commands to change keys. On Classic there is a hidden chat command (terrible, terrible) for changing your keys, but not even the staff seem to know it. Now on the two servers I've mentioned for example, there is no way of changing the keys that you are using, and you will only find them by exploring. On top of the basic functions the majority of servers obviously have their server-specific keys, such as Zodiac which has millions, and Classic that has Wave on W, Hug on H and Camera Change on C. The majority of servers make use of these functions, such as movement, using A, S and D, but a lot do not. We have the global controls in the F3 options menu, which are very out of date and it only has a few basic options as you can see if you look at the first attachment. From a player point of view (both new and old) the controls on Graal as a whole are extremely disjointed from the actual gameplay, and when you jump from server to server as much as people do, it becomes even worse.